Business Features

Naples Art Association

This organization, the oldest cultural organization in the city of Naples, Florida, marked its diamond anniversary with the publication of a multi-page brochure reviewing its long and distinguished history.

The publication was designed and illustrated by Association members while we developed the text relating many of the organization’s sixty years of milestone events to major national events of each decade.

Click here to view excerpts of the brochure.
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Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Among the many projects developed for this organization, which has more than 25,000 members worldwide, was the creation of a brochure to be given to new US members at their induction. It summarizes the many benefits of membership in this oldest and largest food and wine society in the world.

Click here to view excerpts of the brochure.
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Opera Naples

Many projects have been written for this organization, including these multi-page programs written for the first two major fund-raising galas for this organization, describing the evening’s events while also reviewing the year’s highlights in terms of their productions and outreach programs.

Click here to view excerpts from the Great Gatsby Gala Program.

Click here to view excerpts from the Fête du Cirque Program.
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Naples Redefined

This 30-minute movie is the first full-length documentary featuring the city of Naples to have been made in recent memory. Filmed by renowned Russian movie maker Alexander Goldstein, written by his wife the award-winning poet Marina Berkovich and narrated by Roger Weatherburn Baker, the movie won the Gold Prix Émil Hermès, the movie won an Emmy and the Gold Prix Émil Hermès, an international award recognizing skill and creativity producing works that further mankind’s appreciation of the environment.